Westover~Lehrer~Rei Baseball Scholarship Foundation

PBUA Westover-Lehrer-Rei Baseball Scholarship Overview


 The Portland Baseball Umpires Association funds and awards a college scholarship to a deserving high school senior baseball athlete selected each year from one of the schools we service. 

 It is named the Westover-Lehrer-Rei Baseball Scholarship in honor of Ken Westover Sr. the founder of the PBUA who passed away in 1976. A long time umpire/trainer Carl Lehrer who passed away in 2000 and Steve Rei who capably served as the PBUA baseball commissioner and assignor from 1994 until 2014 and recently retired from umpiring over the last fifty years.  These three men made significant contributions on and off the field to umpiring baseball with the PBUA.


 The Association foundation was incorporated as a 501(c)3 in 2015 and has awarded this scholarship each year since 1977.  The scholarship committee selects the scholarship winner.  All applicants must apply in early January to mid March to the Association to be considered and must be on the approved list issued by the scholarship coordinator.


 The scholarship amount is $6,000.00 paid at $1,500 per year for up to 5 years of NCAA eligeability and is financed by each Association Regular member contributing to the fund. 


 The member contribution amount may be adjusted each year by action of the Executive Board of the PBUA. 


 The scholarship is formally awarded to the winner in person at the Associations season ending banquet in May. 


 The current scholarship committee coordinator is Eric Gorham and he is available to answer any questions.

Email;  gorhamerica@gmail.com