Westover~Lehrer~Rei Baseball Scholarship Foundation





 Statement of Purpose:

  • To provide an annual college scholarship each year to a recipient designated by the membership of the PBUA. This scholarship grant is presently set at $1,000 dollars (amended by a vote of qualified members to increase to $1,500 beginning in 2018) and will be paid in four payments each year in the fall for the New Year scholarship recipient and for remaining payments in the spring for up to five years.  Said player must attend and be on the baseball roster at a school of higher learning (College or University).
  • To provide financial support for High School baseball players, leagues and other amateur baseball organizations.
  • To encourage and assist in developing baseball players of all skill levels.
  • To foster a high standard of ethics and to further the interests of high school level (and below) baseball players in the Pacific Northwest.



Membership and Meetings:

            Any individual that has made a donation for the current baseball year will be a qualified voting member of the Foundation (“Qualified Members”) and be entitled to attend the Annual Meeting.  Said meeting will be held in conjunction with the annual Portland Baseball Umpires (“PBUA”) summer rules clinic in May of each year.



Board of Directors:

            The elected Board of Directors (the “Board”) of this Foundation shall consist of President, Treasurer, Scholarship Coordinator, Secretary and a Member-At-Large.  These five officers constitute the Executive Board of trustees for the Foundation.






Nominations and Elections:

  • Nominations for open Board positions shall be accepted up to three weeks prior to the Foundation’s Annual meeting.
  • At the Foundation Annual Meeting each year, to be held concurrent with the last regularly scheduled PBUA meeting held in April, finalized and closed for any open Board positions.
  • Prior to the PBUA final regularly scheduled meeting each calendar year, balloting shall be completed and certified by using electronic ballot methods.



            Proposed Amendments to this Constitution may be offered at any regular or special meeting of the membership.  A minimum of one week shall be allowed to pass before any amendment is voted upon by the membership.  Voting shall be conducted via acceptable electronic balloting.  Said change must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Qualified Members, provided that a quorum of the full Membership participates in the vote.  There may be no proxy votes

            All Members of the Foundation are to be notified by the Secretary a minimum of one week prior to the date of any meeting concerning any proposed changes before the next meeting at which the vote on proposed changes will be taken.

















SECTION 1.Membership

            Qualified Voting Members of the Foundation (“Qualified Members” or “Members”) are any individuals that have contributed monetarily to the Foundation during the prior year.  Such members are entitled to attend the annual meeting (and any special meetings declared), and may vote on any issues brought before the membership, and may run for a position on the Board.

SECTION 2.Assessments

There are no special assessments relating to membership in the foundation.

SECTION 3.Suspension

            A member may be suspended indefinitely for: 1) lack of donation over any 12 month period, 2) conduct detrimental to the organization, 3) conflict of interest between Foundation membership and any personal and/or business activities.  Said suspension will remain in force until the Board determines that proper correction has been made.



Section 1.Qualification of Board Members

            All members of the Board must be Qualified Members of the Foundation.

Section 2.Nominations and Elections

            In addition to complying with the requirements of the Constitution, nominations may be made by a Qualified Member during a regular or special meeting when the PBUA President calls for nominations.

            Elections for all offices shall be by secret ballot using the RefTown voting system.  All individuals nominated for a position on the Board of Directors (the “Board”) will be listed in random order on the ballot. For the first election, the five people receiving the most votes shall be elected to the Board.  There shall be no proxy vote.



Section 3.Term of Office

The top three finishers in the initial election shall have a term of two (2) years; the 4th and 5th place finishers shall have a term of one year.  Thereafter, all elections in even numbered years will be for two positions on the Board and all elections in odd numbered years will be for three positions.

  1. Each term shall begin on June 1st of each year and shall end on May 31st two years later, following the first even year election.
  2. Any Member (to include current Board Members whose terms are expiring in the current year) may run for a seat on the Board. A Member may succeed himself indefinitely.
  3. No person may serve in multiple offices.
  4. No candidate will ever run for a specific Board position.

Section 4.Selection of Board Positions

Immediately following each election (and no later than two weeks thereafter), the five (5) member Board shall determine which individual will hold each Board position.  Board positions are defined as President, Treasurer, Scholarship Coordinator, Secretary and a Member-At-Large.

Section 5.Vacancies

Any vacancy occurring on the Board during a term of office shall be filled by a special election at the next meeting following creation of the vacancy.  In the event someone must fulfill the duties of the office prior to the election, the Board of Directors shall appoint a current board member to fulfill that individuals said duties.

Section 6.Board Duties

The duties of the Board are (1) to ensure that all correspondence is sent to schools and baseball organizations; and (2) to make all decisions relating to policy of the Foundation, subject to ratification of the membership at any meeting.


Section 1.Meetings

There will be one (1) scheduled membership meeting per year, to be held in conjunction with the final Regular Member meeting of the PBUA.  Special meetings of the Foundation may be called by the President or a majority of the Board.

Section 2.Amendments                                                                                                                                                        

              A proposal to amend these By-Laws may be made at any regular or special meeting of the Foundation and voted upon electronically no later than two weeks following the proposal.  Said amendment must be approved by 50% plus one (1) of eligible voting members.




Section 1.Quorums for meetings

Any Foundation meeting may be formally established with the number of members present at any given meeting.  A quorum shall be designated as 50 percent, plus one (1), of the voting membership.



Section 1.Duties of the Foundation Board

  1. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Foundation.  He/she shall hold him/herself largely responsible for the success of the organization. 


  1. Secretary:  He/she shall keep accurate and complete minutes of all meetings of the Foundation Board, and shall make minutes available to the Members upon request no later than seven (7) days following said meeting.  He/she shall keep an alphabetized attendance record for each and every meeting).  He/she shall maintain a file of all correspondence sent or received.  The complete records and correspondence file shall be delivered to the new secretary upon election and assumption of office.  He/she shall also be responsible for any duties and obligations designated by the Board and/or traditionally required.



  1. Treasurer: He/she shall have charge of all funds of the Foundation.  He/she shall keep complete and accurate records of all monies received or expended.  All payments must be approved by the Board. The Foundation books must be available at all times for inspection and/or audit.  He/she shall also be responsible for any duties and obligations designated by the Board and/or traditionally required, including filing of all necessary annual federal and state tax forms.


  1. Member-At-Large: He/she shall serve as general overseer of the membership and serve as advisor to the other officers.  He/she is the voice of the membership on the Board.  He/she shall also be responsible for any duties and obligations designated by the Board and/or traditionally required.



  1. Scholarship Coordinator: He/she shall oversee and direct the PBUA scholarship program.  Among other duties directly related to this end, he/she shall develop and distribute the forms used to rate eligible players; he/she shall correspond with the local high schools so that they nominate worthy student athletes; he/she shall tabulate results at the end of the season and present those results for approval to the Foundation Board prior to the final selection of a winner.






Section 1.Dissolution of the Scholarship

In the event that the Westover-Lehrer Memorial Foundation Scholarship is dissolved, all Foundation grants previously awarded for subsequent years will be paid out in full to those recipients or school of record.

 Any remaining undistributed assets will be donated to the; Old Timers Baseball Association of Portland for use in their Harry Demorest Scholarship Foundation. 

